“Young man," he said, "understand this: there are two Londons. There's London Above―that's where you lived―and then there's London Below―the Underside―inhabited by the people who fell through the cracks in the world. Now you're one of them. Good night.”
Well, what a ride. I loved Neil Gaiman’s writing and I tried to find a way to describe it and I found it extremely hard.
Gaiman wrote this book after the TV show Neverwhere premiered in 1996.
I start by saying that the whole book has a dark but cosy vibe. Gaiman is contradictory in that way – makes us feel comfortable in a dark world.
Richard Mayhew has a normal good life – a fiancée and a good job. One night, he finds a girl – Door - wounded in the pavement. He helps her and after she lefts, Richard sees himself in London Below because of that aid.
We discover London Bellow at the same time Richard does. London Bellow is subterranean is a part of London where the lost and forgotten fall into. All is new and nothing is explained straight up to our face. Little by little, as Richard find himself in certain situations, we get to understand and know London Below, that has the Underground as part of it.
Gaiman’s writing is very visual (that might be because it was based on the TV show) and we can easily picture what he’s writing without boring us with overdetailing.
We see a London Below deprived of modern techonology, but with devices that were made from every day objects, a raw London Below, where you had to learn to be tough and cold, to overcome the obstacles that being in that community provides.
Some of my favorite characters of all time are from this book – Mr. Croup and Mr. Vandemar and Marquis de Carabas. The dark sense of humour has that “smidge” of creepy, dark and twisted which I love and Gaiman done it so brilliantly.
I cant seem to explain and make a good review because is so hard to explain. He made us a uncomfortable, dark cold world where we are comfortable and feels like home. We meet people that we aren’t supposed to like but end up loving them.
We accompany Richard on his journey of discovery of a new world through the eyes of a sceptical and scared person and see him became an assertive and rational one.
This book is simple amazing.
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