“Evil generates only more evil. That has always been its chief characteristic.”
Donato Carrisi is an Italian author, with a degree on Law and specialized on Behavioural Sciences and Criminology. The man knows that he’s talking (writing?) about!
The Whisperer was his first work and it was published in 2009.
Six arms were found in the middle of the woods and five of them are from five missing girls. Violent Crimes Unit from the Federal Police get help from Mila Vasquez, the best detective on Missing People department, to find the sixth girl alive.
This thriller is a complex web of murder masterfully combined by Carrisi.
Essentially, the book makes us wonder how far will evil go and our choice to do it – the Good is silent, is witnessed, and Evil is always present and is alluring, it’s up to us to choose and take the leap towards the Light or Darkness.
Carrisi makes several references to psychological traits and behaviours that become the ultimate definition of a serial killer. The author also took in consideration the detail of forensic and police procedures. His imagination and creative plot leave us surrendered to all the cliff hangers and plot twists and a mind-blowing ending.
He adapts the typical crime thriller formula with details that make the difference such as Mila’s mental “illness”. Every character has flaws but we still empathize with them as well we still feel the gloomy environment throughout the book.
In certain parts, it’s clear the amateur writing, missing the authenticity of human interactions, although is increasingly improved.The character build up is excellent to the point to make us root for them and feel empathy. He goes straight to business when he needs to go and goes to millimetric detail when he needs to.
The thriller has one continuous timeline, third person type of narrative, specially from the Mila’s point of view. Between the chapters there’re prison reports and personal accounts that combined will make sense at the end.
I noticed some incongruities but, in the author’s notes, he refers as essential to the plot to make sense. They don’t affect the reading experience in any way.
The ending leaves speechless and breathless and, at the same time, wanting more. Standing of the edge of denial that the book is over, even though all the questions are answered we still want more.
Donato Carrisi is one of my favourite crime thriller authors. This is the first book of the series followed by The Vanished Ones.

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