“I threw myself into that fire, threw myself into it, into him, and let myself burn.”
This series… GOD!
The first book is based on a Beauty and The Beast retelling and the second book on another retelling (I won’t say what it is because it would be a perspicacious spoiler).
I still the separation anxiety from the characters I met in this series. My throat still has a knot in it and my heart is still racing.
All of this because it’s a story of overcoming life’s obstacles and personal growth, throughout of traumas, and what our peace really is, based on what we know.
Standing between Young Adult and New Adult the fantasy genre that aims that public is highly underrated, misjudged and inferior by many readers. Even by High Fantasy readers.
Every time that I read something that has a younger target audience (pre-teens, young adults, children), I am amazed by the way author pass through good values and emotional guidance. These authors, like Sarah J Maas, try to push youth to have a critical thinking and try to make them manage their self to fight life’s problems. Makes them face life’s bigger questions when it comes to personal growth and social problems that we are going through.
An author who values human emotions, is an author that grips me fully.
An author who sees the reality of human interactions, without sugar-coating it, is an author that grips me.
And that’s what I see in this series.
Feyre Acheron kills a faerie and now she has to face the consequences in the faerie magical kingdom, which she knows nothing from. I can't say more, go and adventure yourselves like I did, you won't be disappointed.
For who that has a mate like me, and still after several years, feel friendship and support above everything, all REAL love stories will be close to home. Certainly, it is to me.
The main character finds what she never had, on her family’s side, and when we think that that is about a fairy-tale relationship, as the saga progresses, we see everything differently. That the prince is the one that protects us from everything, but stand by our side, that gives us strength and guidance, to face every single thing that might come our way. It’s amazing seeing Feyre’s evolution as a person, after what all she had been through.
The author know how to leads us to the right direction (and we feel throughout that something is not quite right) and then puts a twist on everything that hits us like a ton of bricks because she makes us open our eyes to see what we thought was right was actually wrong.
There are some flaws like some predictable things and some reprovable actions but, at the ends, there was no other way to do it, because one of the main focus of the author is human flaw, that we’re made to make mistakes and learn from them.
Writing pretty straightforward, wonderful character, place and emotion development, and a very interesting plot that made me surrender myself to this series and to the author.

Classificação: 4 de 5 estrelas

Classificação: 5 de 5 estrelas

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